More About Hypnosis
One of the first things I tell folks that I work with is that I don't make people bark like dogs or cluck like chickens. I worked hard to get good at what I do and I have chosen to use hypnosis to help people to make changes or heal themselves.
Hypnosis involves something called trance. We encounter trance all of the time, we just don’t call it "hypnosis".
If I am driving on the highway and I don’t remember how I got from one exit to the next – that’s a form of trance. It’s not a deep state of trance; if someone cuts in front of me, I can use my brakes, I can change lanes, and I can usually make my exit. If my trance is a bit deeper, I might miss my exit and have to turn around at the next one.
Another example of trance that I like to use is going to the movies. I love to go to the movies. If I see one I really like and become "entranced” by it, eventually the movie will end, the credits will roll, and the lights in the theater will come on. The movie will have seemed to have lasted an hour, but if I look at a time piece, it will have been 2 or 3 hours – there is a time distortion that can happen in trance.
Similar to that example, if I am talking on the phone to a good friend of mine and we hang up, what seemed to be 20 minutes was really an hour or more once I look at a clock – again, there can be a time distortion in trance.
I use the lightest from of trance possible because I need the person I am working with to talk back and forth with me.
The person has a memory of everything we say and do.
I always review the procedure/s that I am going to use ahead of time so the person I am working with has a map of where we are going to go.